
Health Care Network

Nurses, Physicians and Other Healthcare Workers-US Immigrant and Non-immigrant Visas

Health-care workers have a variety of visa options available to them.  Due to the shortage of certain health-care professionals, the visa and permanent residency process has been streamlined for them.  For example foreign national nurses are able to work using H-1C visas in facilities designated as medically underserved.  In addition, nurses and physical therapists and similar professions may obtain permanent residency without going through the labor certification process.  Similary, physicians who work in underserved areas may obtain green cards without first applying for labor certificationJ-1 visa holders who have obtained a waiver are also not subject to the cap on H-1B visas.  In some instances, they may file to change their status even though their J-1 visas have expired during the waiver process.

Please review our physician information center for information concerning the hiring of foreign medical graduates. Additional information is available for the hiring of nurses and other health care workers.

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